Friday, August 28

Collette Blanchard Gallery->Sean Higgins' Difficulties with Interplanetary Travel

Great concept. I personally don't jump with joy to go see abstract photography, but I was downtown and decided to check it out. Ends Aug 15th.The title caught my eye first and dictated the rest of my viewing which was a good thing, because without the title it would be difficult to discern what Higgins was trying to accomplish.

The photographs were transformative and creatively composed enough that a few of them got my mind thinking of flying saucers and alien landscapes. They had some sort of impact.

What really negatively impact the show was the limited scale of the pictures. They were a bit to small to actually transport me somewhere outside of the white walls of the gallery. The gallery was a standard space. Three white walls and a window. Another point that bothered me was that each photo had no relationship to the next. The photos looked like the were taken from three or four separate projects and thrown together. Unless the intention was to make this group of photographs difficult to view together, each piece would have been better off alone.

This is worth a look if you are passing by. The web photos could suffice.
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