Friday, October 16

Kips Gallery -> HAESSLE: Solo show

Kips Gallery, HAESSLE

"Two Stars" "★★"

Review of HAESSLE solo show:

This show was very small consisting of four or five pieces which were of average scale. I was immediately struck by the works resemblances to Pollocks work except a lot more simplified and lacking the same emotions. Almost interesting are these slashes of colors and weaving strokes. If the paintings were of a grand scale of 10 ft X 10 ft or 20 ft X 20 ft the work would then take on a much different meaning both for the viewer and the artist. (but then there would be more problems with storage if nobody buys it!) In sum: cramped and medium effort work. Despite this the reception was fairly full. If you are in the same building looking at another gallery it's worth a few minutes to swing through, but not more then a few minutes.

Press Release of Kips Gallery exhibit:

Oct 15 - Nov 7, 2009Haessle’s new oil paintings focus on a synthesis of form and color. The surfaces are weaved together in a complex layer of vibrant hues. The energetic mark-making or “writing” is executed by a direct application of paint from the oil tube. Haessle mixes his own specific colors and packs each into an empty tube before beginning a painting. This process of painting results in lyrical canvases that present his personal vision.
A collector and enthusiast of Chinese calligraphy art and 19th Century Japanese Ukiyo-e woodblock prints, Haessle is connected to the definitive linear mark-making of these works. The calligraphy and woodblock style is subtlety echoed in his paintings and they compliment his swift gestures and sophisticated color.
Among the show’s highlights include a large-scale painting, “Us and Them”, where red is predominant, creating an intractable web allowing only for small color bursts to escape; and a smaller work, “In the Corner of my Eye”, where the surface of the painting is inscribed by a dynamic network of primary color. (quoted from kips gallery website)
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