Friday, October 16

Doosan Gallery -> Moo Kwon Han: Discoverer

Doosan Gallery-Moo Kwon Han-Discoverer
"Four Stars" "★★★★"
Moo Kwon Han's Bio

Review of Discoverer by Moo Kwon Han:

Doosan Gallery In NYC pretty recenly opened and is geard twords emerging artists. Han is definatly an emerging artist! Deeply philisophical Han's work consists of two video instalations in Discoverer that are very interesting and thought provolking. The reception was crowded with a pretty young crowed that was alive with chattering. The first video features a man who is also the narrator superimposed onto diferent landscapes representing the diferent landscapes of life as well as the varied landscapes of philosophy. Very witty and subtle at the same time discussing serious topics in a very light and casual way. I am looking forward to Han's furture shows! If you are looking for some art that will gain value as time goes on THIS IS IT! both in context of the artist's work and of the social subconsious. I recomend veiwing this exibite especially since you can't see it online.
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