This summer group show is absolutely refreshing and provides a perfect snapshot of what Gallery Henoch is all about; contemporary realism. Every painting at a glance is picture perfect. For some paintings even up close are hard to make out to be paintings not photographs. There were a few sculptures in the show but they didn't hold my attention. The astounding display of skill and craftsmanship reminded me not to get so caught up with conceptual art and the usual avaunt-guard popularity contests. In addition to the skill, the relatively contemporary subject matter was very lovely in redefining painting's usual modern approach. I recommend adding one of these beauties to your collection! The Gallery was very spacious with very high ceilings on the upper floor allowing the work to be viewed without any peripheral distractions. There was also a lower level, so there was not any lack of work whatsoever.
Any person who can see will love this exhibit. Can't wait till the fall shows open!
Artists include: simon nicholas, gary ruddell, patti oleon, robert c. jackson, eric zener, john evans, steve mills, and others.
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I can tell that you did a lot of work for this blog - visiting galleries, taking photos, editing 'em for slide show like this, etc. As a person who is very familiar with the Chelsea area, your blog is so true and helpful!
(are you the one "Kalki" who is on the following list on my blog? I guess so :) why don't you reveal your profile/photo instead of the silhouette ?) I'm gonna follow you :)
That's me. Glad to be of help, Your blogs really great too. I have a profile photo, don't know why you can't see it. Thanks for the follow!
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