Thursday, September 3

Tina Kim Gallery-> I Stepped Into the Room

Featuring 6 NYC artists "I Stepped Into the Room" at the Tina Kim Gallery is a failure. It is a failure at what it is trying to accomplish and a failure at remotely engaging the viewer. I hope this is not the direction young New York City artists are headed or I'm going to have to move to Italy! Based on Sylvia Plath's, The Bell Jar, the show is supposed to question "identity, etiology, and purpose" but I found all of the work to lack depth, thought, and it was completely self serving to the artists. Cherry picked with this Plath idea in mind from a list with darts and then put into a gallery; is my evaluation. There is a collage painting thing on the north wall which is interesting at first, but then it becomes frustrating to look at because its is way to small and one would have to stoop over and lean towards the wall with ones eyeball to make out the details. Very messy. The rest of the work was too boring to comment on. I'll include a picture for an example on the left.

AVOID. Save your time.

Artists: Tracey Goodman, Kyung Jeon, Shiri Mordechay, Habby Osk, Rocio Rodriguez Salceda, Joanna M. Wezyk
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